Media Commons; Future of the Book (USC/Annenberg)
The MediaCommons project is part of the Institute for the Future of the Book, & they seem to be doing things that relate closely to the UO's New Research Summit:
"As has been mentioned several times here, the Institute for the Future of the Book has spent much of 2006 exploring the future of electronic scholarly publishing and its many implications, including the development of alternate modes of peer-review and the possibilities for networked interaction amongst authors and texts. Over the course of the spring, we brainstormed, wrote a bunch of manifestos, and planned a meeting at which a group of primarily humanities-based scholars discussed the possibilities for a new model of academic publishing...."
The project is interesting and addresses the increasing crisis in humanities publishing. I'm looking forward to such developments, and the idea that media studies scholars might lead the way seems pragmatic.
The collaborative and conversational nature of open access scholar ship will be important as well--and also something difficult for traditional practices in the humanities.
I'm not convinced, however, that everyone can usefully read and interact with academic articles. Is there a disregard here for the significance of differing audiences in the utopian hope that many different audiences might read and comment?
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